
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Reactions to HM's speech from around Oman

If you have not heard, HM addressed the nation today by video and relayed that due to known reasons would not be attending National Day. This was his first public appearance since early last summer. He thanked the people for their sentiments and the Armed Forces for their dedicated service and patriotism. Upon hearing the news, many people expressed sincere prayers to the almighty for his good health and prosperity.

His speech can be found here (Oman TV):

Official Statement:
“Dear citizens, it is our pleasure to greet you as our lovely Nation is celebrating the glorious 44th National Day.”
“We thank Allah for blessing us with wisdom to lead Oman to a modern nation with a promising future.”
“Our nation is heading forward with steady fundamentals since the emergence of renaissance. ”
“Due to Allah’s will, the National Day coincides with our presence in Germany for reasons you all know.”
“We thank Allah, for His blessings for achieving good medical results,which requires us to follow medical program.”
“We express our deep grattitude for your warm & sincere prayers and feelings.”
“We would like to thank the Royal Armed Forces of Oman for their dedicated services. We appreciate their patriotism.”

Today Omani school

Today Musandum

Today Musandum

Today - Ibri
Today - watching HM's speech

Omani boy meets HM - previous years

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