
Saturday, August 2, 2014

Salalah Oman XXX Tourists / Video

This video's from the tourist season Salalah,  Oman.

Besides the shocking content for the (Omani) viewership, the visual effect of the wind on the guy's shorts is classic. You can hear the male voice in the background saying 'bsura video' (quick video). It looks like Mughsail where the water sprays from a ground vent (where the tourist couple would be standing).  It's been mentioned the couple was later summoned by ROP.

Salalah, Oman - Khareef 2014


  1. What part of this is XXX? And how is this tourist gone wild?

  2. Thanks for your comment. Please see official explanation below.

    "Such actions and behaviour offend public morality in our society and are undesirable for a conservative society. Foreign visitors to Oman are advised and informed by various government and tourist organisations to dress properly and to respect public sentiments. It is the duty of the visitors to get to know the culture and customs of the people of Oman and to behave appropriately, said the official.

    1. Hi Oman Coast

      I just read the article on times (link below)

      Anon here again. Now I say this after spending some quality beach time at Barcelona (were everything goes). Agreed that their choice of attire ain't appropriate for Oman. What is interesting is this part as mentioned in the times:

      "This action comes after a video of the two tourists wearing improper clothes and frolicking ....."

      I agree the lady was wearing indecent clothing for this part of the world. But the guy is dressed appropriately. May be he is guilty of frolicking.

      I guess they should have used a private hotel beach for such "frolicking" activities.

      BTW Cheers for keeping the blog so amazing...

  3. I thought this was over reaction until i saw the video. Now i think that couple should have been instantly jailed. How stupid can they be??

  4. This is so bad and shocking. Yes surely they should get a strict punishment so that others also learn a lesson. Whats even sad is my fellow citizens standing and watching it as an entertainment. Someone should have pointed out and told firmly that this is not acceptable.only then they will realise how much we respect our culture

  5. When I first saw the video I was shocked... Mainly because I did not know what I was seeing... the angle at which the video has been shot is misleading and makes it look like the young lady is spreading her legs. But if you make the video bigger and slow it down you can clearly see he is just holding her in his arms. I though it was important to point that out because you made a point to block it out in the static picture at the bottom of your blog...

    1. Thank you for your comment.. This was during Ramadan also in a public place at a tourist attraction of blow holes in Mugseal. Most women here swim with their condora on, so really any flesh showing is not appropriate in that area. In a tourist hotel pool, it may receive less of a reaction. We know in other places this is no big deal, but here people are not that familiar with seeing such out in public (at least in person). The tourist Ministry is going to publish a pamphlet for tourists about dressing appropriately in Oman.
