
Sunday, August 10, 2014

In other news around Oman..

Last week, demonstrators applied to ROP to have a 'solidarity' march in support of Gaza in front of the Egyptian Embassy in Muscat. The permission was denied. Several would-be-participants headed over there, but the area had been cordoned off by ROP. Some Omanis felt bummed out by ROPs decision as they were hoping to show support for the cause. Demonstrating is not allowed with out permission.

And, sadly, a few weeks back it was mentioned a young man from the Batinah region lost his life in Syria. He had gone there to fight on behalf of the opposition to the Bashar regime,  however, notice was received that he had been killed by Daesh (ISIS). Some worry about Omanis being recruited overseas to fight in certain causes. A few years back a man from Jalan, Sharkiyya had also left Oman to join up.

'Calling Gaza'

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Salalah Oman XXX Tourists / Video

This video's from the tourist season Salalah,  Oman.

Besides the shocking content for the (Omani) viewership, the visual effect of the wind on the guy's shorts is classic. You can hear the male voice in the background saying 'bsura video' (quick video). It looks like Mughsail where the water sprays from a ground vent (where the tourist couple would be standing).  It's been mentioned the couple was later summoned by ROP.

Salalah, Oman - Khareef 2014