
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Zouk Nightclub @ Crowne Plaza Cancels 'Pyjama' Party Under Pressure

Zouk is a fast paced club located in the Crowne Plaza hotel in Qurm Heights, Muscat. Zouk's management put out a notice that the 'Pyjama' party where a 'big pillow fight' was to be featured was cancelled due to technical reasons last Friday night. However, there has been unusually strong opposition in Omani social media against this party in particular as it contravenes the Omani morals and culture. It was rumored officials from organizations such as Ministry of Tourism even chimed in and called the nightclub suggesting they cancel.

Not that this is misplaced outrage, but considering some of the previous parties the club has held such as 'DJ Katrina-Love, all the way from Russia' and 'Valentine's Party, Dress to Date' without issue, the sudden focus on the morality of 'Pyjama Party' seems arbitrary. In the past two years, the Ministry of Tourism with backing from Shura members have put many new restrictions on dance performances and live music in venues.

In some regards, the clamp down may be mitigating moral corruption in the public eye but is also cutting back on expression of music and culture as the Sohar Music Festival, a family oriented event with major corporate sponsors and great music, has been cancelled under the new regulations. In general, Oman is a pretty chilled out place and open country towards its expat residents especially compared with its neighbor to the west where foreigners are routinely kidnapped off the streets and held for ransom and to the north where restrictions on life are much more severe.

1 comment:

  1. Good post. I didn't know it was cancelled yet until I read on your blog. I don't even dare go to the fb page to see the comments...
