
Friday, August 16, 2013

Omani Diplomat Found Dead in Moscow Hotel Room from Moscow Times

Two nights ago an Omani Diplomat was found dead in Moscow. It's being said he was from Al Abri tribe from the Al Hamra area in Oman.

Omani Diplomat Found Dead in Moscow Hotel Room

The Moscow Times
Police are investigating the death of a foreign diplomat whose body was found in a Moscow hotel.
The body of the Omani Embassy's first secretary was discovered late Wednesday evening in a hotel room on Ulitsa Bolshaya Polyanka in Moscow, an investigator said.
He said that the initial examination hadn't turned up any signs of criminal wrongdoing and that no evidence of struggle had been found inside the hotel room, the Investigative Committee's website said in a statement.
The body will be sent for a forensic medical examination to establish the cause of death, the report said.
Moscow police earlier confirmed the discovery of a diplomat's body in one of the city's hotels, Interfax reported.
Addition details from Russia Today: His name Mohannad Ali Al Abri. The hotel staff found his body.


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