
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

New Omani National Day Songs & Money

In honour of the 45th Omani National Day (Eid Wontani), I am posting up new songs for this National Day and a photo of the new 1 OMR note.
1. The song below was sponsored by Ooreedo. It hit the scene last week and features Al Wasmi the former Emirati heartthrob pop singer and the poet Mazin Al Haddabi along with local Omanís. There are English subtitles.
It was quite `cool`, Al Wasmi agreed to do the `non-musical` parts. Al Wasmi might be considered to have strong ties to Oman due to the fact his family originates from near Saham, Oman, and he lived in Burami driving cabs before his singing career took off.  Due to personal tragedy, he stop singing and turned his talents to only performing in a non-musical religious style. This is turn has caused many Omani youth to turn away from music into this type of religious expression in Oman. In Islam, music is considered to distract. 

2. Omani 45th National Day Song. The blue flower-like design is the new logo for the 45th National Day.


3. This is a performance from the Sur Private School. I am posting it as during the fall months, the Omani school system dedícates much time to practicing and preparing for National Day.

4. New Omani Rial.

2015 - Note the 45th National Day  logo on back of rial.




Saturday, October 24, 2015

If You Speak Arabic (or German), Help Google Translate for the Refugees

Google has put out a blog post and video asking for help in improving Arabic translations for the refugees heading to Europe and other locales. According to Google, most refugees are arriving with minimal possessions such as a mobile phone and documents and need translation help through their smart phones to cope with obtaining their basic needs and with language difficulty.

Google`s Blog post:

Sign up to help:


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

New Desert Camp `The Dunes` Opening

A new luxury desert camp called `The Dunes`by Al Nahda is opening this month. It looks worth checking out. In summary, it is closer to Muscat and boasts more luxurious accommodation than other camps. Here is the description and web link:

Only a 45 Minute drive away from the Muscat International Airport takes you directly to the sand dunes of Wadi Al Abiyad (White Sands in Arabic), Dunes by Al Nahda is the closest desert resort to both downtown Muscat and to the United Arab Emirates.
Overlooking the surrounding, undulating sand dunes and mountains in the distance, Dunes by Al Nahda is an intimate, boutique desert resort built atop one of Wadi Al Abiyad’s tallest sand dunes.  Come share our views and experience whilst discovering a luxury adventure.
Dunes by Al Nahda features a total of 50 ultra luxury accommodation guest room tents, each featuring, amongst others, full individual bathrooms, separate seating areas and individually controlled air-conditioning.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Ramadan Karim

Instead of focusing on Iftars and mall shopping hours,  a lesson of Ramadan is acquiring patience and self-restraint through fasting.

The month of patience.
´So fasting is a means of learning self-restraint and patience. With patience we are able to strengthen our resolve to worship Allah alone, with sincerity, and also cope with life's ups and downs. Thus, without knowledge and patience, nothing remains, except zeal and uncontrolled emotions, shouts and hollow slogans, speech that does not strengthen, but rather weakness, and actions that do not build, but rather destroy! ..

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

3 Petrol Stations Catch Fire in June in Oman !

This must be a record, there have been three petrol station fires around Oman in less than two weeks. In all cases this month, the recorded temperature was 40 C or over in the Muscat area (could have been hotter in the interior). I am posting what videos I could find showing the ignition point of the fire.

Hopefully, someone may be able to lend their expertise as to what exactly is causing these fires. There have been many theories from cell phone sparks to engines running while pumping (a standard practice here). Personally, I am uncomfortable with the fuel top off after the tank is full (also a standard practice here). All petrol is pumped by attendants in Oman.

Recent Petrol Station Fires Oman

  • June 2, 2015   Yanqul, a car caught fire, outside temp 42 C
  • June 3, 2015    BidBid, 8 am, a car caught fire, outside temp 41 C
  • June 16, 2015  Ghubra, Muscat, Al Maha Station, 12:17 pm, a bus caught fire, engine was on, two injuries were reported, outside temp 40 C
  • July 23, 2014  Mawaleh, Muscat, a moto caught fire and then a car.  Night. outside temp 34 C. From the video, it looks as if the moto caught fire as the man used the kick start to rev the engine - a spark perhaps. The secondary car caught fire as the driver tried to pull out with the pump still fueling his car. 

Yanqul Petrol Station Fire Video - June 2, 2015

Watch how an Omani survived from burning in his car due to the heat at a filling station in Yanqul.

Mawaleh Petrol Station Fire Video - July 23, 2014

Gubrah Petrol Station Fire Video - June 16, 2015

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Times of Oman "reboots" their website

Times of Oman released a new website recently. I must say the new template is more user friendly and better enhanced with multimedia as well as visually crisper and elegant. Finally, Times has fixed the logo font type in the heading; whereas, in the previous online version the T of Times was put in an Arial or other sanserif font and the other letters imes were in their logo typeface. This had always bothered me as if the designers had catered to the limitations of the prior web template employed.

Over the last year, the Times has really focused on their online presence, on dynamics across devices and on the social media aspects of their online media, and it has made a difference. The Times blows the other papers out of the water with over 150,000 likes on the FB page while Muscat Daily has around 8,500 (pathetic) and Oman Observer with almost 10,500. I hope Muscat Daily gets on board soon with increased web charisma. I always liked their hard copies. Even certain FB groups in Oman have more likes or members than Muscat Daily. In contrast, the Emirati Gulf News has 1.09 million likes.

Facebook Likes and Oman Media

Flooding from Ashobaa,  Source: Times of Oman

Thursday, June 11, 2015

'Cyclone Ashobaa vs Oman Surfers'

Greetings, the best time for surfing at the onset of a cyclone...

See videos below..

Cyclone Ashobaa vs Oman Surfers...

Source and credit:

Sur, Oman. Enjoying the swells...

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Our Sultan Our Hero...

Words could not express a big enough welcome....

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Of Ethics..Bloggers in Oman

'Taking perks' and other issues with bloggers concerning Oman has popped up recently in popular blogger posts here in Oman. Most of the posts focused on justifications for accepting perks. Personally, I have noticed that the number of bloggers posting about the 'dinner' they attended or the 'free give away' offered to the readers provided by a local company or restaurant has significantly increased in the last couple of years compared to the earlier blog scene in Oman.

As far as this blog goes, we have intentionally never accepted any perk nor do we expect receiving such and remain anonymous for reasons to feel free from expectations or influence in expression. And, we do our best to respect the laws of the Sultanate.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Oman Post on Strike

According to someone who tried to mail today at Ruwi location, Oman Post is on strike. They are asking for a salary increment.

Common Scams in Oman

Well, to start off I would like to note that Oman is a terribly safe country. If I had to be dropped off in a country in the middle of the night with no money or phone, I would hope to be let off in Oman.

However, I am posting some annoying scams I've found going on here. A lot of them involve trying to make an extra 'beza' (the Omani 'cent').

1. The Water Scam

The large jugs used for household water machines are sometimes filled with tap water instead of drinking water. The delivery person or shopkeeper fills and empty bottle with tap water and then reglues the plastic wrap on the lid.

Those with a discerning palate will be able to taste the difference. Otherwise, check the tops carefully before fitting the jug into the machine. Muscat tap water is suitable to drink but most people drink bottled water.

2. The Expiration Date, Redated

This generally happens at the smaller grocery stores. Merchants have been known to 'extend' the shelf-life of their food goods by 're'dateing the expired products to a later expiration date saving the merchant money from having to toss the non-sold items which are potentially dangerous to consume past the expiration date depending on the item.

Some shopkeepers have been jailed for putting kids in the hospital for food poisoning by selling expired candy which had spoiled. This was really low. Check over what your buying more carefully, smell it, inspect the packaging for mold (don't smell the mold) or if the expiration date looks 'fishy' skip it. Call consumer protection on suspected violators.

3. The Swapping of Original Parts for Generic Duplicates
This can happen in regard to vehicles or electronics. Original parts cost more; so, for example, if you leave your car in a repair shop, one scam is to change your original parts (unrelated to the repair job) for generic parts (in addition to fixing the car) and then re-sell the original parts from your car pocketing the price difference. Highly annoying.

Take a picture of the mechanic when leaving the shop as a deterrent. When people feel identified, the are less likely to 'try' something. Come to check on your car at unpredicted times or stay nearby the car as they repair it.

4. The Petrol Station Mart Adding a Few Hundred Extra Beza

The classic short-change gig. Either the customer will be overcharged a few hundred beza or will be given the wrong change. A couple hundred beza several times a day adds up over a month increasing the salary of the clerk. Many people here with their trusting natures don't count their change. Sometimes, it could be an honest math error. This scam has been known to happen more often at certain Oman oil or Shell stations.

5. The Taxi Mark-Up According to What Passport You Look Like You Hold

Taxi drivers are not regulated here or metered like in other nations. It is the taxi car that is registered to the person but anyone's uncle (literally) can drive the taxi car for the day/night to make extra money.

Driver quality is really a mixed-bag and I don't suggested women or children ride alone on the off chance you get a 'dodgy' one even if most drivers are professional.

Even Omani men riding as passengers in taxis are not immune and have been driven to isolated places or flirted with. Most of the time you can escape by yelling or threatening to call the police.  However, many people make an arrangement with a trusted driver to be on call for them or have set times for pickup and drop off.

Generally, the richer the country you look like you are from the higher your fare will be. Honestly, if my car is out of commission I don't ride in taxis anymore and would prefer to hitch over taking a taxi.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Rumour that McDonalds Qurm Shut Due to Food Poisoning is....


Images of Qurm McDonalds being closed by Muscat Baladiyya have been posted around. However, Muscat Municipality tweeted in Arabic that it was closed due to a leak on the roof.

'Red Tape' seals doors. Source: Facebook

Friday, January 23, 2015

RIP Saudi King

As of 3am Oman time, it's being circulated that King Abdullah ibn Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia has passed away a couple of hours ago. God bless. MBC - all channels - broadcasting Quranic verses.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Pretty Cool App: 'Muscat Guide' from Oman Collective Intel

Maurizio who heads up the blog over at Oman Collective Intelligence & team have come up with a new app and guide of Muscat. I am reposting the info below. I think it's just grand and will be quite handy for tourists, expats and even locals. Well done.

To get the app go here:


Muscat Guide is a new and personalized way of experiencing Muscat and its happenings. It is a free mobile app developed in between Italy and Oman, relying on the latest technology, hosting plenty of valuable info available for both residents and tourists.
Muscat Guide has all the usual stuff such as restaurants, shops, major places of interests, cinemas, etc. as well as a news section, in cooperation with Muscat Daily newspaper. Additionally you'll find a social media section where several popular bloggers and Facebook Groups in Oman can be found and easily accessed.
You can also choose what type notifications you’d like to receive (without annoying pop up ads) and take advantage of the various offers from your favourite outlets in Muscat!
The app design is cool and modern and the engine guarantees a smooth browsing. Check this demo video:

Check the website too for more info. 
Here is the deal; If you're a small business owner and would like to be listed in Muscat Guide for free then send a mail to Not it?
So go for it, download the app for free by clicking hereand don't forget to let me know your feedback. Happy day!

Friday, January 16, 2015

New from ROP - Online Visa Eligibility Wizard -

ROP (Royal Oman Police) has launched an online 'Visa Eligibility Wizard'. It's a nice feature and really quite useful. See what you're eligible for here:

Sample results:

User 1 - UK, tourist

Visa NameVisa FeeLength of StayDescriptionHow to Apply

26A Tourist Visit VisaOmani Rials 5.00010 daysVisit to Oman (10 days) by a person who is a Group1 national.
Click here to see full conditions.
Apply online here
26B Tourist Visit VisaOmani Rials 20.00030 daysVisit to Oman (30 days) by a person who is a Group1 national.
Click here to see full conditions.
Apply online here
20A Oman / Qatar Common VisaOmani Rials 10.00030 daysVisit to Oman by a person who is on the list of eligible nationalities, and must travel first to Oman before travelling to Qatar.
Click here to see full conditions.
Can be obtained on arrival at an airport, seaport or land crossing in Oman.
36A Qatar / Oman Common VisaFree30 daysVisit to Oman by a person who has a valid Qatar /Oman visa obtained in Qatar. The traveler must travel to Oman directly from Qatar.
Click here to see full conditions.
Can be obtained in the State of Qatar.
21A Dubai / Oman Common VisaFree21 daysVisit to Oman by a person who is on the list of eligible nationalities and who has a current tourist visa which was used to enter the Emirate of Dubai, and now wishes to enter Oman direct from Dubai.
Click here to see full conditions.
Can be obtained in the Emirate of Dubai.

ROP to the rescue.
Source: Muscat Daily

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Brothers behind recent Paris attack smuggled through Oman

Just a quickie, international news is reporting that the brothers behind the 'Charlie' Paris attack were smuggled through Oman in 2011 to Yemen for a fortnight of 'training'.

These two brothers arrived in Oman on July 25, 2011, and from Oman they were smuggled into Yemen where they stayed for two weeks," a senior Yemeni security official, who declined to be named, said.

Here's a cool video (unrelated to the above) about to Europeans travelling through Yemen from part of the show 'maadventures'. They use camels to avoid check points and travel out into the desert,,,,,

Monday, January 12, 2015

'Legal Expert' Drops a Bombshell on Visa Rule

I was going to write about something else today, but then I read this in the Times of Oman under their 'legal expert' section. Apparently, if you don't get a no objection letter when you leave employment in Oman other types of entry visa's will be denied alsoThe question I would like to ask 'legal expert' is can you put it in the employment contract that the employer must grant you a NOC and would that be enforced? 

'Please also note that as per the recent clarification issued by the ROP, you may need a no objection letter from your previous employer even if you opt to enter Oman in family visa, business visit visa or even investor visa.

For full text see:

Well, I cannot tell you the negative feelings that I have to the new reenforcement and new clarifications of this visa ban rule (even though I am in favour of Omanization). Really, I have to hold back as not to be too offensive. But, the number one reason why I think they should abandon this '2-year-ban' rule is that it actually does not accomplish what the intentions of the rule set out to do - lower the expat employment rate and increase Omanization in the Sultanate.  The number of foreign workers is increasing!

The issues are quite complex and this type of rule does not get to the heart of the reasons why Omani employment in private sector or elsewhere is not as healthy as it should be. Ms Hutton (see link below) has a good write-up featured in Oman Economic Review on some of the issues. Even if the article is over ten years old, it still seems relevant which may be an indicator of lack of sufficient progress on the matter.

"The World Bank report on Sustainable Growth and Economic Diversification for Oman stated, “private sector expatriate employers have revealed a tendency, for linguistic or cultural reasons, to favour their own nationals over Omanis when hiring new workers.” "

Five reasons why this rule should immediately be unenforced again.

1. There is nothing to stop employers from not issuing a NOC and bringing other foreign labourers. Thus, the foreign worker rate is maintained. There seems to be a pattern that hiring their own nationals over Omanis is favoured. 

2. Many foreign workers are on  'phantom sponsorships' where the Omani is merely collectiing a set sum each month to continue sponsoring the expat. The sponsors don't want to give up their source of income of the sponsorships. Many have wasta.

3. This rule creates an employment detractor for the real talent that Oman needs to import for some of their projects. So, if a couple comes and, then, the wife becomes unemployed and does not received a NOC; it seems under the new clarification she will not be able to be sponsored under a family visa. 

This creates a bad scenario where the husband and children can be here but the wife cannot. I say wife here not because I am sexist but because the rule in Oman is only husbands can sponsor wives not vis a versa.  So, this could be a serious detractor for highly skilled workers in their decision to come to Oman or stay in Oman. Oman still is reliant on expat help in some areas and even if not said outwardly some sectors could face some real operational and financial hiccups if many of the expat workers left.

Also, it prevents movement of talent between jobs in Oman. Leaving a NOC up to the arbitrary decision of an employer, keeps the talent already here from taking up a new position in a lateral move. Instead, companies will have to bear the costs of bringing another, training them, etc, and in some cases the now banned employee may have a special skill not easily replaced.

Oman and the GCC have a long history of using expat labor and it has become an integral force. To undo it, it is going to take much more strategy than this non-thought-out rule. 

It gives Omani employers too much power over employees to keep them under threat of getting a 'NOC'. Some high level professionals that Oman could benefit from the services of might choose not to work under such conditions and restraints and the lesser skilled workers might have to put up with more difficulties under a 'NOC' blackmail. 

I thought Oman was moving away from the 'slave-like' employment approach with controls such as holding passports and into the modern employment model - even the Free Trade Agreement with the USA incorporates some labour provisions. Why punish people who travel to Oman to work by then setting up a system that bans them on the arbitrary whim of their employer or employer's interests even if they performed their duties well? 

4. The education and training is still not up to par in producing the workers with proper skills and work attitude. Many Omani are capable and would like to work but they are just not receiving education they need to be successful.

There are many reasons for this and it's another issue that 'gets my goat', but they (Oman authorities) need to go in and do a complete overhaul of the system from curriculum, recruiting fees and corruption and the hiring of not-up-to-par faculty. Many of the high level Omani all studied outside.

5. The rule is too convolutedcomplicated and clarifications come randomly and arbitrarily. Omani HR departments are not even able to explain it accurately. 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Tribal Strife Down in Salalah

This is a few days old, but a couple of tribes in Salalah had a new year's 'gun brawl' to work out some issues over ¿land plots?. Several people were said to have been injured.