
Monday, September 30, 2013

Nice Ride HM !

Bugatti Veryon 16 cylinder - Stunning !

Friday, September 27, 2013

Video: 'Dream of All HCT Students' Gone Quasi-viral & Other Telling Videos @ Higher Technology College Oman...

'Dream of all HCT Students' This student video has nearly 40,000 views in several days.


The next video is more telling. The students put together a clip on the problems they are facing at HCT.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Oman participating in the 2013 Islamic Solidarity Games starting today; Omani Football team is a no-show.

The 3rd Islamic Solidarity Games starts today in Indonesia. Around 43 nations are participating including Oman. The Omani football team pulled out at the last minute with a statement the gist being they were too tired and were saving up for another football tournament (kind of disappointing). It has also been reported there was some type of dissension between the Omani Olympic Committee and the OFA (Oman Football Association). Lest we not forget FIFA put out a press release threatening to suspend the OFA last year due to their operational practices.  However, Oman has other athletes set to compete in other sports such as athletics and volleyball. Best of luck to the Omani athletes.

This is really only the 2nd competitive Islamic Solidarity Games not the 3rd as the 2nd 'Games' scheduled for 2009 in Iran was cancelled. Despite the 'Games' motto being 'harmony in unity' and the word 'solidarity' used in the official name of the games, the Iranian games never took place because of a spat between Arabs and Iranians on what to call the 'Persian Gulf' or 'Arabian Gulf' (depending on your perspective) in official 'Games' literature and logo design. Many of the countries' participants scheduled to compete in the Iranian games were from Asia or Africa not even from the Middle East.  Besides all of this lack of coming together, I hope Oman can do something and win a few in this year's Solidarity Games.

Official Website:


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Omani Elected Officials Still Locked Up Over Liwa Protest

Today, Gulf News put out an article reporting on how Talib Mamari, an Omani Shura Council member and another elected local Municipality member have been in jail with out bail since late August over their alleged 'participation' in the anti-pollution demonstration in Liwa.

See article:

Mr. Mamari claims he was there only to calm people down. He even has immunity as a Shura member but as far as we know has been lock-up due to some type of exception of being 'at the crime scene'. This protest was attended by members of the Liwa community and local tribes including ladies (not just a few hooligans) as cry for help to the fact that they are being sickened by the surrounding pollution. There are Royal directives in place to help the citizens regarding the issue but the directives seem not to have been fully implemented yet for whatever reasons.

These actions of locking-up elected officials over a 'pollution demonstration' attended by ladies and children create an appearance to the outside world that does not seem to fit a country with a reputation of being signaled out for the most improved country status in the Human Development Report by the UN in 2010 given improved life expectancy and health was one of the areas in which Oman excelled in the report.  The opening of this report reiterates, “People are the real wealth of a nation.”  - Oman most improved nation 2010 - UN report.

Ladies of Liwa 'pollution' demonstration - Aug. 2013

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Famous Emirati Singer Ahlam in Salalah Performing at Wedding

Ahlam a famous Emirati singer and who is also a judge on Arab Idol travelled to Oman to perform at a high profile wedding of a member of the Al Mashani tribe from Salalah.  It's rumored she was paid around 70,000 OMR. One of Ahlam's most popular songs is 'Ohhbuk Mot' (I love you very much). In 2003, she married Mubarak Al Hajri a car racer from Qatar. Apparently, she twitted she was heading to the wedding in Salalah.

Ahlam in Oman

Tweets about the wedding. She says she is on the way to the wedding # busaidi #salalah#oman# 1000 congratulations.// got to the party#..the wedding is 'completely majestic'#name of bride#Salalah#Oman


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Omani Stabbed in Pattaya

Pattaya One reported that a 32 year-old Omani man was stabbed in the belly by a employee of a bar on September 11, 2013. It was reported the larger-framed Omani dominated the petit Thai man, but the Thai man retreated, then, pulled a knife.  The Omani is alive and recuperating in the hospital. We hope to see him back in Oman soon.

Last August, an American was stabbed and killed with metal poles by a Thai music group in Krabi, Thailand when he refused to stop singing while drunk on the band's stage. As one may know and feel reassured by, the risk of being stabbed by a music group in Oman is rather unlikely due to the new tourism regulations of no more than three 'talented artists' in no less than four star plus establishments.


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Oman Fighter Jets Collide Near Yemeni Border


Today two Omani fighter jets collided in Rakyoot near the Yemeni border during exercises. One of the RAFO pilot from Nizwa died, and the other from Al Hamra was injured. Allah yarhamhoom wa yugamid roohahom phi al janah. Ameen (May God rest his soul).

Source: Al Zaman
Royal Air Force of Oman (RAFO)


Monday, September 9, 2013

Qurm Beach Gets Pay Toilet

For those in need, a pay toilet is being installed in Shatti Qurm.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Omani Arabic for Expats: TV, Film & Media

These words and expressions relate to TV, film & media.


Film, films  film, aflam  فيلم افلام
Program  barnamij  برنامج
Series   halaqa, muselsel مسلسل او حلقة
News    akbar اخبار
Channel    qanah   قناه
Arts     fann  فن
Special programming   barnamig khas   برنامج خاص
Watch TV   moshahadat talvision مشاهدة التلفاز
Subtitles      ektiar alooga  اختيار اللغة

Remote control   gehaz, tahkoom جهاز التحكم
TV         talvision  تلفاز
Screen    Shasha  شاشه
Oman TV       تلفزيون عمان
Al Thameena- MBC1 news show at 8pm  برنامج الثامنه
Talent     mawhoob   موهوب
Bollywood     filim hindi  فيلم هندي
Egyptian movies   filim masri  فيلم مصري

Newscaster        Moqadem, mothee   مقدم مذيع
Actor, Actress    Momathel, momathelah  ممثل ممثله
Director      Mohreg  مخرج
Producer   Monteg   منتج
Singer     Mogani  مغني
Cast       Majmua mamathaleen مجموعة اللممثللين
Oscar     Oscar اوسكار

Cinema    Cinema   سينما
Ticket, tickets    Tathkerahتذكرة
Now Showing  yourath alaa'n   يعرض الان
Coming soon   Qreeba  قريبا
Seat           Kursi
Royal Opera House/Muscat   Al Opera Alsultania Muscat  الاوبرا السلطانية


I have two tickets to the opera for Friday. Would you like to join me? endi tathkeratain asahn al opera youm al jouma. kaif batji maee? عندي تذكرتين عشان الاوبرا يوم الجمعه. كيف بتجي معي؟

I watched 'the Voice' last night. Sheft the voice laylat ams. شفت برنامج ذا فويس ليلة امس

I'd like four tickets for the film starting at 8pm. areed arba tathaker hal al filim saa'h thamaniah اريد اربع تذاكر حال الفيلم ساعه ثمانيه

Pass me the remote. jeeb al jehaz  جيب الجهاز

News Words
Live -mabashar  مباشر
Exclusive  hasri  حصري
'Breaking news' - ajel   عاجل
'Just in' - qabl qaleel   قبل قليل
Press Conference Moatamer Sahafi   مؤتمر صحفي
Media    eelam   اعلام

News   Akhbar  اخبار
Politics  siyasah  سياسه
Finance Malayah   ماليه
Sports riyadah  رياضه

King    Malik  ملك
Presidency, President  rea'sah, Raeis  رئيس رئاسه
Prime Minister  Raeis al wizara رئيس الوزراء
Minister, ministers  Wazeer   وزير
Leader, leaders   Qaeed, Qadah  قائد قاده
Official, officials - rasmee, masool   رسمي مسؤول
Diplomat, diplomats Diplomasiدبلوماسي
Spokesperson   Motahedeth al rasmi   متحدث رسمي
People -shaA'B   شعب

Latest Development - tat'oorat al kheera   اخر التطورات
Situation   Wadea' وضع
Controversy - ethara liljadal اثاره للجدل
Point of View- wejahat nather  وجهة نظر
Continue - tawasil تواصل يستمر
'Coming days' -  alayam aljayah الايام الجايه  
Information - maloomat معلومات

Republic  Gomhoriah جمهوريه
Kingdom   mamlakah  مملكه
Democracy  Dimoqratiah ديقراطيه
Regime   Nedam  نظام
Election -entihabat    انتخابات
Vote   Tasweet  تصويت

Demonstrators Mohtageen محتجين
Protestors, protest  Ehtigag    احتجاج
Activists  Noshata' نشطاء ناشط
Martyrs - shaheed   شهيد
Numbers - adad   اعداد

Tank   Dababah  دبابه
Tear Gas Moseel Doomoh  مسيل للدموع
Bombing   Tafjeer   تفجير
Weapons Aslihah  اسلحه
Strike   edraab   اضراب
Drone   Tayrah bidoon Tayar  طائره بدون طيار
Military    Askariah  عسكريه
Special Forces  Qwat khasah  قوات خاصه
Internal Security    Alamn Al Dhakili   الامن الداخلي
Spy        Gasoos, baooda (lit. mosquito)   جاسوس  او بعوضه
'The injured'   Mosab  مصاب
Casualties    Esabat    اصابات

Terrorist, terrorists     Erhabi, Erhab    ارهابي ارهاب
Attack    Hajma   هجمه
Coup   Enqilab  انقلاب
Riot   Shagab  شغب
Revolution     Thawrah   ثوره

Political Party   Hezb Siyasi حزب سياسي
Brotherhood   Al Ekhwan  الاخوان

Human Rights    Hooqooq alensan  حقوق الانسان
United Nations   alomam al mutahidah الامم المتحده
International inspectors  Mofatsheen Dwalieen  مفتشين دوليين
Scandal      Fadiha  فضيحه
Corruption   fasad   فساد
Evidence   Burhan or Dalil  برهان او دليل
Deny    Enkar  انكار
'Witnessed'  Yashad  يشهد
Consequences   Awaqeb عواقب


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Cartoon jokes about repeated water 'outages' in Oman after Amerat without water for 3 Days

Recently, Al Amerat, an area of Muscat, experienced three days without water due to problems with 'pipes'.  Keep in mind Oman has a desert climate. People were forced to have water delivered by big blue water tankers.

'Made in China...'

Caption: "Explosions, the water pipeline repeatedly !!!"


Monday, September 2, 2013

Oman Air flight scrapes wing with another plane - Omani Minister onboard

Oman Air plane's wing brushes with another wing in Tanzania Airport. The Minister of Information of Oman was a passenger.